If your company has recently undergone a major rebranding, it’s likely a website redesign will be a part of that process. But what if it’s just business as usual? When is the right time to refresh or rebuild your website? Many articles will tell you that a website should be redesigned at least every three years. However, we prefer to use a results-based approach. In other words, if your website isn’t helping you achieve your business goals, it’s time to make a change. Here are some key indicators your website is due for a redesign.
5 Signs It’s Time To Redo Your Website
- Your Customers Aren’t Finding You – Do you know who your ideal customer is and how to target them? If you don’t, it’s unlikely your website is catering to their interests. If you don’t appear in the searches, research will be required, quality content procured and a good SEO expert engaged. Then you can rebuild your website with current SEO trends in mind to improve your rankings.
- Your Visitors Are Bouncing – If your website traffic is decent, but visitors are bouncing, it’s highly likely your site is appearing in unrelated search results. It’s also possible that your website isn’t delivering a good user experience. In other words, people can’t tell what your company does, or your site is difficult to navigate.
- Conversions Are Down – Another problem that comes back to user experience. People are finding your website and spending time on it, but not converting. It could be a navigation issue or confusing content. Whatever it is, you need to identify what your users are looking for and help them find it.
- Your Site Isn’t Mobile Friendly – If your website isn’t optimised for mobile devices, you need a website redesign NOW. Why? Over 60% of searches take place from a mobile device in 10 countries including Australia (source).
- Your Website Doesn’t Look Professional Or Modern – Following on from point number 4, a modern website should display correctly on all devices and browsers including mobiles and tablet. Social share buttons should be obvious to the user, and it should be secure. Most of all, your website should represent your company and your brand.
Website Redesign in Nowra
If your website no longer represents your business, or your bounce rates are high, talk to Nowra Website Designer. We can build you an intuitive and user-friendly website that makes it easy for your customers to find what they are looking for. As search engines continue to change the way they produce results, and users’ attention spans decrease, we stay on top of current trends to ensure your website stays relevant. Remember, investing in a website isn’t a one-off expense. Rapidly changing technology means your website needs regular attention in order to be effective. Get in touch with our team today.